‘It can kill you in seconds’: the deadly algae on Brittany’s beaches

Green algae invasion, Brittany, France. Photo source: ©© Cristina Barroca


For decades, potentially lethal green algae have amassed in shallow bays on Brittany’s beautiful north-western coast. Environmentalists say the blossoming of unusually large amounts of green algae are linked to nitrates in fertilisers and waste from the region’s intensive pig, poultry and dairy farming flowing into the river system and entering the sea…

Read Full Article; Guardian UK (09-08-2019)

Wave of Toxic Green Beaches, France; By Sharlene Pilkey (10-2009)
With beaches and coastlines all over the world already under attack from sea level rise, pollution, mining, driving, seawall construction and human development encroachment, another menace is mounting an assault…

Green And Golden Seaweed Tides On The Rise, By Victor Smetacek & Adriana Zinging (08-2014)
Green, brown and red seaweeds lying on the beach are part and parcel of life in many coastal regions. The amount of beached seaweed biomass started to increase along the shores of industrialized countries in the 1970s, and by the 1990s had become a nuisance along many beaches when mass-stranding events of macroalgae became known as green tides…

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