Rising seas already overwhelm the Bay Area. Time is running out for California to act

In Foster City, where the ‘king tide’ over the weekend reached 9 feet, the answer is a taller levee, costing $90 million. The plan comes as legislators warn that California is running out of time to prepare for sea level rise.
Petition: Pass the Federal Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act!

Over the past year, the Surfrider Foundation has worked closely with U.S. Senator Tom Udall (NM) and U.S. Representative Alan Lowenthal (CA-47) to introduce bold federal legislation to tackle the plastic pollution crisis. The legislation is entitled the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, introduced on February 11, 2020.
A huge iceberg just broke off West Antarctica’s most endangered glacier

On the ice-covered edge of a remote West Antarctic bay, the continent’s most imperiled glaciers threaten to redraw Earth’s coastlines. Pine Island Glacier and its neighbor Thwaites Glacier are the gateway to a massive cache of frozen water, one that would raise global sea levels by four feet if it were all to spill into the sea. And that gateway is shattering before our eyes.