How global regulators are selling out the world’s largest tuna

Bluefin tuna. Photo source: NOAA


The international commission responsible for managing Atlantic bluefin — prized for high-quality sushi — is failing to protect this magnificent fish. The regulators’ focus on fishing industry profits points up the need to change the way we view, and value, the lives of wild creatures.

Detachment from life at sea is ingrained and widespread. To consent to the treatment of fish as nothing more than commodities is a stark example of speciesism, which assumes that humans — and especially the most privileged among us — are the center of the universe.

It organizes and rationalizes institutional arrangements and policy choices, based on the hubris that a world as vast and varied as the ocean can and should be mastered and exploited solely to our advantage by marginalizing and subordinating fish…

Read Full Article; Yale E360 (06-16-2020)

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