Trump signs order to waive environmental reviews for key projects

Photograph: © SAF – Coastal Care


Trump signed an executive order Thursday instructing agencies to waive long-standing environmental laws to speed up federal approval for new mines, highways, pipelines and other projects given the current economic “emergency.”

Declaring an economic emergency lets the president invoke a section of federal law allowing “action with significant environmental impact” without observing normal requirements imposed by laws such as the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act…

Read Full Article, The Washington Post (06-04-2020)

Trump dismantles environmental protections under cover of coronavirus, Guardian UK (05-11-2020)
The Trump administration is diligently weakening US environment protections even amid a global pandemic, continuing its rollback against the environment, as the November election approaches…

Trump to planet: Drop dead, CNN (06-01-2017)
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