What happens to the plastic we throw out

Although inhabited and remote, South Sentinel island is covered with plastic! South Sentinel, Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal. Captions and Photo: © SAF — Coastal Care


How a piece of trash can travel from land to Henderson Island, an uninhabited, remote island in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean…

Read Full Article; National Geographic (06-2018)

The Remote Paradise with a Plastic Problem; NASA / Earth Observatory (07-23-2017)
The beaches of Henderson Island have the highest density of plastic waste in the world, according to a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Since the island is located near the center of an ocean gyre, it is in an ideal position to collect trash floating by on currents from the Americas…

Original Study: “Exceptional and rapid accumulation of anthropogenic debris on one of the world’s most remote and pristine islands”; Pnas (06-06-2017)
The isolation of remote islands has, until recently, afforded protection from most human activities. However, society’s increasing desire for plastic products has resulted in plastic becoming ubiquitous in the marine environment, where it persists for decades. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the quantity and source of beach-washed plastic debris on one of the world’s remotest islands…

No escaping ocean plastic: 37 million bits of litter on one of world’s remotest islands; Science Daily (05-15-2017)
The beaches of one of the world’s most remote islands have been found to be polluted with the highest density of plastic debris reported anywhere on the planet, a new study shows. Despite being uninhabited and located more than 5,000 kilometers from the nearest major population center, Henderson Island is littered with an estimated 37.7 million pieces of plastic…

13 of the dirtiest beaches in the world; Travel Insider (06-21-2018)
Wide scale pollution has turned some of the world’s most beautiful beaches into trash heaps…

These 10 companies are flooding the planet with throwaway plastic; Greenpeace (10-09-2018)
The equivalent of one truckload of plastic enters the ocean every minute — but where is it all coming from? Up until recently, we weren’t sure.Nine months, six continents, 239 cleanup events, and more than 187,000 pieces of trash later, we now have the most comprehensive snapshot to date of how corporations are contributing to the global plastic pollution problem…

Plastic Waste During The Time Of COVID-19; Forbes (04-25-2020)

Plastic Pollution: When The Mermaids Cry, The Great Plastic Tide, Coastal Care
Washed out on our coasts in obvious and clearly visible form, the plastic pollution spectacle blatantly unveiling on our beaches is only the prelude of the greater story that unfolded further away in the world’s oceans, yet mostly originating from where we stand: the land…

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