How do ocean currents work? – TED-Ed

This visualization shows the Gulf Stream (ocean flows are colored with sea surface temperature data) stretching from the Gulf of Mexico all the way over towards Western Europe (by Greg Shirah - Lead Animator, Horace Mitchell - Animator, Hong Zhang - Scientist, Dimitris Menemenlis - Scientist, Courtesy NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, Public Domain).
This visualization shows the Gulf Stream (ocean flows are colored with sea surface temperature data) stretching from the Gulf of Mexico all the way over towards Western Europe (by Greg Shirah - Lead Animator, Horace Mitchell - Animator, Hong Zhang - Scientist, Dimitris Menemenlis - Scientist, Courtesy NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, Public Domain).

Dive into the science of ocean currents…

In 1992, a cargo ship carrying bath toys got caught in a storm. Shipping containers washed overboard, and the waves swept 28,000 rubber ducks and other toys into the North Pacific. But they didn’t stick together — the ducks have since washed up all over the world. How did this happen?

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