Are devastating wildfires a new normal? “It’s actually worse than that,” climate scientist says

Thomas’ Fire, Montecito, California, December 11, 2017. Photograph: © SAF – Coastal Care


Michael Mann, a professor of atmospheric science and the director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University said that: “If we continue to burn fossil fuels and put carbon pollution into the atmosphere, we are going to continue to warm the surface of the Earth. We’re going to get worse and worse droughts and heat waves and superstorms and floods and wildfires.”

Mann added that “it’s up to us” whether to do something about it. If we reduce carbon emissions and move away from the burning of fossil fuels, we can prevent these changes from continuing to worsen…

Read Full Article, CBS News (08-07-2018)

Mendocino Fire in California Is Now Largest in Modern State History; The New York Times (08-07-2018)

There’s alarming signs Earth may be in worse shape than ever before, CNN (08-05-2018)
Climate change is here and is affecting the entire globe – not just the polar bears or tiny islands vulnerable to rising sea levels – scientists say. It is on the doorsteps of everyday Americans, Europeans and Asians, and the best evidence shows it will get much worse…

How record heat wreaked havoc on four continents; The New York Times (07-30-2018)
Expect more. That’s the verdict of climate scientists to the record-high temperatures this spring and summer in vastly different climate zones…

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