Marine Litter: Solutions for a Major Environmental Problem; By Williams, A.T. and Rangel-Buitrago

Photo courtesy of: ©-Nelson Rangel-Buitrago, Grupo de Geología, Geofísica y Procesos Marino-Costeros, Universidad del Atlántico Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia


A current major environmental problem is that marine litter is being deposited in increasing amounts on the world’s beaches and oceans. This is especially true for plastics, which form the bulk of the litter and which can last for an unknown number of years in the oceans. This article concerns itself with some solutions that can be applied to this problem. The standard responses involve cutting down plastic waste at the source, beach cleanups, use of the circular economy, education, and a reduction in packaging, among other solutions.

Knowledge, prevention, mitigation, removal, and behavioural change are the key mandates involving a host of measures, ranging from politics, behaviour change, and radiation of plastic by gamma rays in order to strengthen concrete, to turning plastics into fashion items, furniture, bedding, and clothes, amongst many others. Collaboration is the key…

Read Full Article; JCR (01-23-2019)

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