Looting of the sea: the great sand theft – ABC

Sand mining, Mizoram, India (by Karen Conniff CC BY-NC 2.0 courtesy of Water Alternatives Photos via Flickr).

It is the most demanded raw material after water. It is used to make concrete, chips, detergents, paints… and even artificial islands. The big cities are hungry for sand and to satisfy it, the world’s beaches are being plundered….

Antigua Draws a Line in the Vanishing Sand

Jabberwock beach, located on the northeastern coast of Antigua, features a mile-long white sand beach and is a favourite with locals and visitors alike. But residents who frequent the area for exercise and other recreational activities, are worried that the beach is quickly disappearing.

Empty Promises Over Sand Mining, Barbuda

As sand mining in Barbuda continues, concerns mount as to when this practice will ever finally stop. Sand mining is a direct cause of erosion, and impacts local wildlife, it causes problems for those who rely on fishing for their livelihoods, as well as the destruction of picturesque beaches.

Official Rejects Sand-mining Resumption Proposal

Barbuda Council Member Senator Arthur Nibbs says the indicated position of the Barbuda Council Chairman Calvin Punter that the sister-isle could soon be returning to sand mining in order to cushion heavy-hitting financial challenges, is as unsurprising as it going to be damaging.

Council Votes To End Sand Mining, Barbuda

The Barbuda Council has voted to end beach sand mining, bowing to pressure from within its ranks and environmentalists, after several reports indicated that the operation posed serious health and safety risks.

Barbuda Sandmining Nears Disaster Levels

There have been renewed calls for an end to sand mining operations in Barbuda, as this activity has reached a stage that could spell an environmental disaster for Barbuda island..