Earth roasts through its second consecutive hottest year on record – Yale Climate Connections

This storm was off the charts. The bomb cyclone emerged from the middle of the Pacific Ocean and swirled with such intensity off Washington’s coast that it ravaged the region Tuesday night, ripping down trees, toppling power lines and killing at least two…
Complexities of ‘Coastal Erosion Structures’ Come Into View on Mayo Beach – the Provincetown Independent

A legal battle playing out between the California Coastal Commission and homeowners who want to build a large seawall near Half Moon Bay could have repercussions along the entire coast.
The Loss of Coastal Legend . . .

We are sad to report that a true coastal legend passed away after a short illness on December 13, 2024. Dr. Orrin Pilkey was Professor Emeritus of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, and founder and Director Emeritus of the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines. Orrin was special for many reasons and was a friend and colleague to many of us. We thought this amazing guy was so tough and resilient that he would simply never die…
Why seas are surging | Interactive – the Washington Post

What one tide gauge reveals about America’s climate future…
Bay Area homeowners battle California Coastal Commission over right to build seawall – the San Francisco Chronicle

A legal battle playing out between the California Coastal Commission and homeowners who want to build a large seawall near Half Moon Bay could have repercussions along the entire coast.
Why are Puducherry’s beaches fast disappearing? – Eco India | | DW (11-30-2024)

Coastal erosion is reshaping India’s shores, threatening fishing villages and bustling tourist hubs like Puducherry. And what makes it worse – much of the erosion is manmade. Is there a way to reverse the damage?
Ocean acidification is a deeper crisis than we first thought – Oceonographic

Once thought to be the concerns of surface level layers of the ocean, headlines over the past week indicate that ocean acidification is now sinking into marine regions as deep as 1,500 metres – posing new threats to the marine life…
As Greenland’s Ice Sheet Melts, an Island Town Rises – Smithsonian Magazine

Geologists are working with local communities to determine how residents can adapt as the area’s sea level, in effect, goes down…
Climate change made all of this year’s Atlantic hurricanes so much worse – Grist

A new analysis finds that the storms’ wind speeds increased by up to 28 miles per hour, boosting their destructive power..