Liberia: Illegal Sand Mining Heightened

Despite efforts by the government to put a halt to illegal sand mining which is blamed on sea and other form of erosions across Liberia, others have refused to yield to the orders as sand mining is said to be at a renewed height and reinvigorated pace in the region.

Nitrogen Pollution Soars In China

Nitrogen-containing pollutants from agriculture, transport and industry in China has increased by more than half in 30 years, adding to concerns about the country’s deteriorating environment. China’s environment ministry acknowledged the existence of so-called “cancer villages” after years of public speculation about the impact of pollution in certain areas.

Migratory Behavior of Oceanic Sharks Revealed

As the nations of the world prepare to vote on measures to restrict international trade in endangered sharks in early March, a team of researchers has found that one of these species, the oceanic whitetip shark, regularly crosses international boundaries.

Uneven Global Sea-Level Rise Predicted

Scientists have known for some time that sea level rise around the globe will not be uniform, but in this study researchers show in great detail the global pattern of sea-level rise that would result from two scenarios of ice-loss from glaciers and ice sheets.