Migratory Behavior of Oceanic Sharks Revealed

Photo source: ©© Nrbelex


As the nations of the world prepare to vote on measures to restrict international trade in endangered sharks in early March, a team of researchers has found that one of these species — the oceanic whitetip shark — regularly crosses international boundaries. Efforts by individual nations to protect this declining apex predator within their own maritime borders may therefore need to be nested within broader international conservation measures…

Read Full Article, Science daily

Protect Endangered Sharks: Celebrate Chinese New Year with Sustainable Food Choices, NRDC

Outrage over Hong Kong’s ‘shark fin rooftop’ Phys Org
About 73 million sharks are killed every year, with Hong Kong importing about 10,000 tonnes annually for the past decade, according to environmental group WWF. Most of those fins are then exported to mainland China. The number of threatened shark species has soared from 15 in 1996 to more than 180 in 2010, mainly due to the growing Chinese demand for fins.

The Teeth Of The Great White Debate, By Jock Serong, Coastal Watch

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