True colors : Bloom in the Barents Sea

Plankton blooms spanning hundreds or even thousands of kilometers occur across the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans every year. Many species thrive in the cooler ocean waters, which tend to be richer in nutrients and plant life than tropical waters.

North Sea Oil Pollution: “Something has gone wrong here,” Shell Declared

It’s not the most reassuring apology in the world; alongside the apology came the admission that the second leak could take weeks to fix, that the pipe that sprung the leak is more than 30 years old, and that if Shell’s risk assessment, maintenance and inspection processes had been better, the accident wouldn’t have happened in the first place…

Oldest Fossils Discovered On Oldest Shoreline Known On Earth

Earth’s oldest fossils have been found in a remote part of coastal Western Australia, very well preserved between the quartz sand grains of the oldest beach or shoreline known on Earth, in 3.4-billion-year-old rocks. Meanwhile, world famous 130 million old fossilized dinosaur tracks that dot a remote 80-km stretch of Western Australia’s coastline, are now under threat from a proposed natural gas facility.

Some Lessons Learned from the Two Worst Oils Spills in U.S. History ?

Despite vast differences in the impacted marine ecosystems and the circumstances of these two worst oil spills in U.S. history, oil-degrading microorganisms played a significant role in reducing the overall environmental impact of both spills. However, “It is too soon to tell what the impact of the BP oil spill will be on the delicate marsh environments and beach communities in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.

Pacific Walruses Studied as Sea Ice Melts

The extent of sea ice has been less in recent summers, and large herds of walruses have been hauling out on beaches in Alaska and Russia in the past few years, forsaking sea ice for sand in what has become a symbol of climate warming. Studies show that In 2010, walruses came ashore in late August, and this year, the sea ice disappeared from the shelf earlier, and walruses have already begun to come ashore.

Sand For Sale: Environment Ravages

The “king Of Koh Kong” has defied an order endorsed by the Cambodia’s Prime Minster to halt his controversial and environmentally damaging sand dredging activities on the Tatai river in Koh Kong.