337 Whales Beached in Largest Stranding Ever

Scientists made a startling discovery on an observation flight over a remote fjord in southern Chile’s Patagonia: 337 dead whales. That is the biggest single whale stranding event known to science.

Sand Mining in SF Bay Dealt Blow by State Appeals Court

A California appeals court has ruled that sand in the San Francisco Bay must be considered a public trust resource, potentially challenging the practice of mining for sand in the Bay that’s in turn used in construction projects.

New Rules to Ease Sandbag Restrictions, NC

Proposed new rules will make it easier for beachfront land owners to build sandbag walls and leave them in place for longer periods. Members of the state panel directed by the N.C. General Assembly to create the rules expressed fears that the new, looser restrictions could result in hardened beaches along the entire N.C. coast.

Sea Traffic Pollutes Our Lungs More Than Previously Thought

New data show that the air along the coasts is full of hazardous nanoparticles from sea traffic. Almost half of the measured particles stem from sea traffic emissions, while the rest is deemed to be mainly from cars but also industries and natural particles from the sea.

How Coastal Real Estate Is Being Impacted By Climate Change

Accelerated sea-level rise and growing storm intensity, two widely studied effects of climate change, are giving the oceans a powerful edge in the age-old battle against continental shorelines. The impact is not only environmental, but economical.