Fiji Leads Pacific Region on Climate Adaptation Efforts

Still a long way off in many parts of the world, climate displacement is already a reality in the Pacific Islands, where rising seas are contaminating fresh water and agricultural land, and rendering some coastal areas uninhabitable.

Conservationists Call On House To Stop Looser Beach Erosion Rules, SC

Environmentalists denounced a bill to let a handful of property owners rebuild the aging Debordieu seawall, despite a state law that banned seawalls about a quarter century ago. The ban, adopted as part of the 1988 beach management act, was enacted because seawalls are known to make beach erosion worse when slammed by waves.

A Tracking System To Check Illegal Mining, Maharashtra, India

Even though stringent laws are in place to curb illegal sand mining, they are frequently violated. Pune division will soon emulate the Solapur model of barcoding system that aims to check illegal sand mining. The authorities will issue a barcoded slip to the driver ferrying sand and track the vehicle from the loading spot to the delivery point.

How Rising Seas Could Sink Nuclear Plants On The East Coast

After the 2011 Japan tsunami disaster, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ordered nuclear facilities in the U.S. to review and update their plans for addressing extreme seismic activity and potential flooding from other events, such as sea level rise and storm surges. Those plans aren’t due until March 2015…

A Blueprint to End Paralysis Over Global Action on Climate?

The international community should stop chasing the chimera of a binding treaty to limit CO2 emissions. Instead, it should pursue an approach that encourages countries to engage in a “race to the top” in low-carbon energy solutions.