BPA’s Real Threat May Be After It Has Metabolized

Bisphenol A or BPA is a synthetic chemical widely used in the making of plastic products ranging from bottles and food can linings to toys and water supply lines. When these plastics degrade, BPA is released into the environment and routinely ingested.

Farming in Bangladesh Stays Afloat, Literally

Due to frequent flooding over the last 50 years, the farms around the capital of Dhaka, have turned into a wetland. For the residents rice cultivation is now only a memory. But, instead of cursing the havoc created by changing climate, the local inhabitants have made the best of a bad situation…

Kerala: Caught Between Quarries And Sea Erosion

After more than a century of fighting sea erosion by massively dumping granite boulders along the beaches of southern Kerala state, environmentalists and administrators are beginning to see that this has been a costly and ineffective solution. Hills are vanishing as vast pits are gouged out to extract granite illegally in India’s prime tourism state…

New Zealand Oil Spill: Cleanup Costs Settlement

A Greek shipping company has agreed to pay the New Zealand government up to $31.5 million toward the cleanup costs of a cargo ship’s grounding on a reef near popular swimming and surfing beaches last year. But taxpayers will still be footing some of the bill.

Half Of The Great Barrier Of Reef Lost In 3 Decades

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is a glittering gem, the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem, chock-full of diverse marine life. But new research shows it is also in steep decline, with half of the reef vanishing in the past 27 years.

Environmentalism Is Not About Being Rich Or Poor

Researchers from Bristol’s School of Geographical Sciences compared surveys from 78 nations in conducting the most comprehensive analysis yet of the relationship between income and environmental attitudes.

Great Barrier Reef Is Heating Up

The waters of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef are getting warmer, satellite measurements show, which spells bad news for the myriad creatures that dwell in this rain forest of the ocean.

Midnight Sand Markets Flourish Post Ban, Andhra Pradesh State, India

The midnight-to-morning sand market (a routine feature every night) had customers jostling and haggling for the best deal, some even indulging in panic buying with traders hard selling that sand supply from neighbouring states would stop in a few days… And sky is the limit for a ton of sand.