50 Houses on Kiawah Sand

A documentary about proposed development at south end of Kiawah Island, produced by Mary Edna Fraser and Celie Dailey. Includes interviews with Dr. Orrin Pilkey, Professor of Earth Scieces at Duke University, and Nancy Vinson, Coastal Conservation League’s Program Director for Air and Water Quality.

Amnesty slams Shell over oil spills in Nigeria

Amnesty International and Friends of the Earth have filed an official complaint against the firm Shell for shirking responsibility for oil spills in Nigeria and wreaking havoc on the environment. Environmentalists call the Niger Delta the global capital of oil pollution, but unlike the Gulf of Mexico, there are no underwater robots, flotillas of scientists or oil booms here.

Tulum’s Dirty Beaches

Lucy Gallagher of Mexiconservacion explains why some of Tulum’s beaches, Mexico, are so dirty.