Tanzania, Zanzibar: Illegal Sand Mining Irks Aakia Officials
Zanzibar has been recording increased illegal sand mining, and authorities at Abeid Amani Karume International Airport are worried that it may, if uncontrolled, affect ongoing expansion program.
Sand Mining in SF Bay Dealt Blow by State Appeals Court
A California appeals court has ruled that sand in the San Francisco Bay must be considered a public trust resource, potentially challenging the practice of mining for sand in the Bay that’s in turn used in construction projects.
Could We Run Out of Sand for Eroded Beaches?
With king tides, persistent winds and large waves from Tropical Storm Erika and Hurricane Joaquin making erosion particularly bad this year, the demand for sand is high – but is it possible we could run out?
China Visit Seals Deal On ‘China Eden’ Project
Sir Tim Smit has signed a contract to build an Eden Project on the east coast of China. He said it would be an “iconic building” to demonstrate the region’s commitment to sustainability. The new Eden will be located on a barren piece of reclaimed land that sits on a convergence of two rivers near Qingdao.
The Sand Thieves of Larache, Northern Morocco
Trois jours par semaine, les travailleurs de Larache, au Maroc, amènent des bulldo-zers sur la plage et prennent autant de sable qu’ils le peuvent. Quoique leurs patrons disposent de permis, ils viennent aussi en toute illégalité les week-ends, se servant d’ânes et de pelles pour ravager un peu plus le paysage.
Sand Dredging: Let’s Save Brittany’s Shores, France
Brittany’s shores are in peril. A large-scale offshore sand dredging project, where hundreds of m3 of sand are going to be extracted, is about to become a devastating reality. Be the Change Petition: “Sand Dredging: Let’s Save Brittany’s Shores.”
Decree Granting Sand Mining Concession Has Been Signed – Environmentalist Group Will Appeal
The decree granting concession of shell sand in Bay of Lannion, Brittany, to CAN Industry, was signed Monday and published this Wednesday. The environmental group “Peuple Des Dunes” intends to appeal and file an action before the administrative court.
NOAA Fisheries Input on Sand Mining Helps Protect Key Fish Habitat
Sand, not gold, has since become one of the world’s most precious and finite resources originating in California’s mountains. NOAA Fisheries is working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and industry to understand the effect that sand mining could have on important fish habitat.
Built on Sand: Singapore and the New State of Risk
The island’s expansion has been a colossal undertaking. It is not merely a matter of coastal reclamation: Singapore is growing vertically as well as horizontally. This means that the nation’s market needs fine river sand—used for beaches and concrete—as well as coarse sea sand to create new ground.