“We Were Once Three Miles From the Sea”

Grain by grain, West Africa’s coasts are eroding away, the dry land sucked under the water by a destructive mix of natural erosion and human meddling… Nyani Quarmyne has poignantly photographed the impacts of climate change on people living on the Ghana coast.

King Tides A Preview Of Coming Sea Rise

Sea levels off the California coast will rise up to 2 feet by 2050 and up to 5.5 feet by 2100, scientific research suggests. Already, sea levels have risen in San Francisco by 8 inches over the past century.

Boat Schools : A Floating Future

Every year millions of school children in Bangladesh miss countless school days when their schools are flooded. But now local NGO have come up with a simple solution, building schools that float.

Sand Wars Come To New England Coast

Sand is becoming New England coastal dwellers’ most coveted and controversial commodity as they try to fortify beaches against rising seas and severe erosion caused by violent storms.

NASA Finds Reducing Salt Is Bad for Glacial Health

A new NASA-led study has discovered an intriguing link between sea ice conditions and the melting rate of glacier. The discovery adds to our understanding of how ice sheets interact with the ocean, and may improve our ability to forecast and prepare for future sea level rise.