As Russian oil spill fouls beaches, locals fume over official response – the Washington Post
City invented Australia’s beach culture, environmentalist Richard Gosden says, but all this time ‘it’s been conducted in diluted sewage’…
Cigarette Butts Are A Hidden Threat To California’s Horn Sharks – Forbes
Marine debris continues to be a pressing environmental issue worldwide, particularly plastic waste, which often originates from land-based sources and can break down into microplastics. While many types of waste contribute to marine pollution, cigarette butts are the most commonly found form of plastic waste, and they pose unique threats to ocean ecosystems…
Sydney’s unusual sewerage system to blame for faecal and fat balls on beaches, experts claim – the Guardian
City invented Australia’s beach culture, environmentalist Richard Gosden says, but all this time ‘it’s been conducted in diluted sewage’…
Is the solution to Playa del Carmen’s shrinking coastline simply moving sand around? – Yucatan Magazine
Before becoming San Clemente’s new coastal administrator last year, the beach has always held a nostalgic place in Leslea Meyerhoff’s heart. “Some of my earliest memories are walking the beach in Santa Monica with my grandma,” she said. “I also recall fond times boogie boarding, collecting seashells or just enjoying a stroll at the beach.”..
Ban on exports of sea sand, that destroyed dozens of Indonesian islands, is being lifted – The Conversation
Police have recommended Nguyen Thanh Binh, the former chairman of the people’s committee in An Giang province in the Mekong river delta, be charged with power abuse, according to Public Security News, the official mouthpiece of the Ministry of Public Security. The area is a hotspot for sand mining…
From paradise to plastics pollution: Bali’s battle for marine plastics debris – 360info
Bali has a unique opportunity to address plastic waste by integrating sustainable practices into the tourism experience.
Coastlines Around the World Are Losing Sediment – EOS
A new tool maps coastal sediments on the basis of water color. It shows that 75% of the world’s coastlines may be losing suspended sediment.
Vietnam ex-official took US$300,000 bribe to allow illicit sand mining – The Star
Police have recommended Nguyen Thanh Binh, the former chairman of the people’s committee in An Giang province in the Mekong river delta, be charged with power abuse, according to Public Security News, the official mouthpiece of the Ministry of Public Security. The area is a hotspot for sand mining…
A Few Surprises in Alaska’s Marine Environment in 2024 – NOAA
NOAA Fisheries releases their annual Ecosystem Status Reports including a new report card for the northern Bering Sea which shares some promising news about sea ice conditions…