West Papua, Indonesia from the Air – Planet Labs PBC

West Papua, Indonesia from the air: Mangrove forests are a natural fortification against storm surges (© Planet Labs PBC, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 via Medium).

If every image tells a story, high resolution satellite imagery of the earth is the ultimate treasure trove where natural processes is the artist creating works of transcendent beauty that are at once abstract and realistic.

Warming Stripes – Ed Hawkins

Warming Stripes: A representation of annual global temperatures from 1850 - 2022. Using color alone in a minimalist style climate scientist Ed Hawkins was able to intuitively convey global warming trends to the general public. The graphic has inspired many diverse applications around the world and is a powerful reminder of our climate crisis. (Ed Hawkins, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading, using Data from Berkeley Earth, NOAA, UK Met Office, MeteoSwiss, DWD, SMHI, UoR & ZAMG, CC BY 4.0 via https://showyourstripes.info/).

An enthusiastic and prolific nature photographer for over 25 years, Steve Mandel’s diverse portfolio includes astronomical imaging, wildlife photography, and the photography of microscopic marine organisms.

Steve is much more than a photographer with a camera. When he can’t find a camera that can capture the sort of imagery he believes is required to broaden our understanding of science and widen our perception, he will just BUILD it himself.

His photographs have appeared in the New York Times, Smithsonian Books, Reader’s Digest, Forbes Magazine, Sky&Telescope, Astronomy, and used by websites including NASA. Three of Steve’s images: of Japanese Macaques, Lemurs in Madagascar, and Proboscis Monkey have been given Highly Honored Awards by the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and put on display at the Museum. He is also the recipient of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s International Amateur Achievement Award, and the American Astronomical Society’s Chambliss Amateur Achievement Medal.

K-12 Coastal Art & Poetry Contest – California Coastal Commission

California Coastal Commission logo (by Fluffy89502, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons).

This annual Art and Poetry Contest is open to all California residents in grades K-12 (excluding families of Coastal Commission staff).
All entries must be uploaded by 5:00 p, California time, on January 31, 2023.
See full Contest Guidelines in English and Spanish, on the Coastal Commission Website…Best Wishes to ALL!