Caribbean Scientists Work to Limit Climate Impact on Marine Environment
Caribbean scientists say fishermen are already seeing the effects of climate change, so for a dozen or so years they’ve been designing systems and strategies to reduce the impacts on the industry.
Trump, reversing Obama, will push to expand drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic
Trump will take a major step Friday to expand oil and gas drilling off U.S. shores, directing the Interior Department to lift restrictions that President Barack Obama imposed in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. But local political considerations and the global energy market are likely to influence future exploration far more than an executive order in Washington.
Climate change could spell ‘extreme poverty’ in coastal NZ towns
Along New Zealand’s West Coast, the shoreline has been eroding for many years, the relentless sea moves closer by the day. Now the Tasman sea has snuck into some of the beach-front properties. With rising sea levels and more intense storms likely because of a warming climate, parts of Granity will become uninhabitable.
Nicaragua’s South Caribbean Coast Improves Readiness for Climate Change
The effects of climate change have hit Nicaragua’s Caribbean coastal regions hard in the last decade and have forced the authorities and local residents to take protection and adaptation measures to address the phenomenon that has gradually undermined their safety and changed their way of life.
Water streaming across Antarctica surprises, worries scientists
In a unique study spanning the entire continent, scientists have found that water is gushing across Antarctica — more than they ever realized.
Why people are marching for science: ‘There is no Planet B’
Earth Day has arrived, and so has the March for Science — a global event on six continents (and cheered on by scientists on a seventh, Antarctica).
Sea Level Rise Will Reshape U.S. Population In All 50 States
Sea level rise could cause mass migrations that will affect not just the United States’ East Coast, but reshape communities deep in the heart of the country, according to new research published in the journal Nature Climate Change this week.
Coastal erosion poses multibillion-dollar risk to Baton Rouge economy, LSU study says
While Baton Rouge is not on the “front lines” of Louisiana’s coastal land loss crisis, billions of dollars worth of economic activity are at risk for the city as the Gulf of Mexico continues to swallow wetlands, which are key storm buffers along the coast, according to a new LSU study.
Receding glacier causes immense Canadian river to vanish in four days
First ever observed case of ‘river piracy’ saw the Slims river disappear as intense glacier melt suddenly diverted its flow into another watercourse.