Philippines: Artificial white sandy beach could spell eco disaster

An artificial beach strip in Manila Bay has environmentalists up in arms. Scientists warn its dolomite sand could harm people’s health and marine wildlife.
World’s tallest prefab skyscrapers will rise in Singapore — but they’re being built in Malaysia

A pair of skyscrapers are set to become the tallest prefabricated buildings in the world.
Deep-sea misconceptions cause underestimation of seabed-mining impacts

A new publication on the impacts of deep-seabed mining by 13 prominent deep-sea biologists, led by University of Hawai’i at M?noa oceanography professor Craig Smith, seeks to dispel scientific misconceptions that have led to miscalculations of the likely effects of commercial operations to extract minerals from the seabed.
Global warming and illegal land reclamation add to severe floods in China

China has perennial flooding in summer but a combination of climate reasons and human behavior over decades of land reclamation and dam-building on nearby rivers, have contributed to a longer-than-usual duration and incessant rainfall in some regions.
Audubon files lawsuit to protect coastal areas from sand mining

A lawsuit was filed filed against the Trump administration to defend the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) against Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt’s unlawful ‘Excavation Rule,’ which allows taxpayer money to be used for dredging sand from protected coastal areas…
Caribbean: Measures taken against Zeelandia sand-mining

In recent years, large scale sand-mining, which is banned in St. Eustatius, has taken place at Zeelandia beach. Although efforts were made to block vehicle access to the beach, individuals have, through the removal of vegetation, created a path in between the sea grapes to drive onto the beach.
Deadlocked: economics versus the environment at New Zealand’s NZ$1bn sand mining project

Trans-Tasman Resources has been involved in a protracted legal battle over a proposed sand mining project off the New Zealand coast, which would see 50 million tonnes of sediment lifted and processed a year to mine for iron ore beneath the waves.
Illegal sand mining a deadly beat for India’s journalists

The recent killing of a reporter in India’s Uttar Pradesh state has exposed the dangers for journalists covering illegal sand mining and construction in the country. The sand mining industry is laden with corruption, and this puts journalists who cover the topic at an increased danger.
Liberia: residents decry illicit sand mining in Schiefflin township

Residents are pleading with the government to come to their aid as illegal miners continue to mine sand and causing grave environmental hazard to the community. They say that there is continuous 24-hour, 7-day beach mining taking place.