Rate of Antarctica’s ice melting has tripled since 2012, study finds

Concave Iceberg Gerlache Strait, Antarctica. “This melting iceberg probably calved from a glacier, as evidenced by bands of dark color which are sediment the glacier picked up while moving down the steep slopes of the Antarctic Peninsula. An iceberg containing sediment will absorb heat because of less reflectivity and thus will melt faster. Global warming increases the rate of glacier calving and the overall degradation of ice sheets, and also contributes to an acceleration in the rate of sea level rise.” Captions and Photo courtesy of: © Norma J. Longo


The rate at which ice is melting on Antarctica has tripled in recent years, according to a study published Wednesday in Nature. Coastal communities along the U.S. could feel the impact of a continued increase as melting ice adds to sea level rise, say experts…

Read Full Article; CBS News (06-13-2017)

Scientists lay out how to save a melting Antarctica, and the grim future if we don’t; CNN (06-13-2017)
Sea levels will rise and all coastal countries could be seriously threatened by flooding if nothing is done to stop the massive melt of sea ice in Antarctica, according to nine award-winning scientists who have spent decades studying the icy continent and the waters around it…

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