Plastic Pollution and Chile Coastline, The Latest 5 Gyres Mission

5 Gyres, an organization that seeks to study plastic pollution in waters around the world, has embarked on a new mission exploring the southern coast of Chile to document any and all incidents of plastic pollution.
Médano Blanco Coastal Dunes, Argentina

Narrow cordons of coastal dunes stretch for hundreds of kilometers along this part of Argentina’s coast. The Médano Blanco is not far from the arid and windy borderlands with Patagonia, one of the windiest places on Earth.
Surprisingly Few White Sharks Off California Coast, First Census Finds

Satellite tagging studies have demonstrated that white sharks in the northeast Pacific make annual migrations from coastal areas in Central California and Guadalupe Island, Mexico, out to the Hawaiian Islands, and then they return to the same regions of the coast year after year.
Belo Monte hydroelectric dam construction work begins

With most Brazilian eyes firmly fixed on the country’s annual carnival, construction work officially started this week on the controversial Belo Monte hydroelectric dam in the Amazon, after reversal of a February suspension ruling.