UN Adopts Historic Land Grab Guidelines

Ghana Cape Coast Castle. Photo source: ©© Civitas Veritas


Over the past few years, companies and foreign governments have been leasing large areas of land for farming and exploitation, in some of Africa’s poorest countries, such as Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, and Mozambique, Ghana, Tanzania, Liberia have all signed major land deals with foreign investors.

“Land grabs” are now one of the biggest issues in Africa and all evidence points to a phenomenon of unprecedented scale.

A report published last year raised serious questions about the terms of the contracts that governments are signing up to. Some of the world’s poorest people are losing the land, water and natural resources that have supported their livelihoods for generations.

The United Nations has just adopted global guidelines for rich countries buying land in developing nations, hoping new agreement will secure access to land, fisheries and forests for millions of poor people who have historically used the land…

UN adopts historic ‘land grab’ guidelines, Read Full Article, BBC News

Analysis: Land grab; Read Full Article, BBC News
With land central to the livelihoods of millions of people in Africa, Lorenzo Cotula of the International Institute for Environment and Development examines the impact of large-scale land acquisitions on the continent.

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