The Sixth Extinction Menaces The Very Foundations Of Culture

Photo source: ©© Baban Shyam


Human activity endangers entire species, yet human culture is profoundly rooted in nature. The loss of a species is also a loss of the images, stories, symbols and wonders that we live by, to call it a cultural loss may sound too cerebral: what we lose when we lose animals is the very meaning of life.

The range of animals and plants threatened by the sixth extinction is such that it menaces the foundations of culture as well as the diversity of nature. We are part of nature and it has always fed our imaginations. We face the bare walls of an empty museum, a gallery of the dead…

Read Full Article, Guardian UK

The world’s extinct and endangered species – interactive map, Guardian UK
Over the past 500 years, human activity is known to have decimated 869 species.

Brazil’s Atlantic coastal forests lose key species

Study Links Biodiversity and Language Loss

Ecosystems Cope With Stress More Effectively the Greater the Biodiversity, Science Daily

The IUCN Red List Of Endangered Species

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