Small Organisms Have Large Impact on Seabed

Photo source: ©© Marcio Cabral de Moura


Not only physical forces such as tides and sand transport but also small organisms such as molluscs, tube worms and sea urchins have a large impact on seabed formation.

These are the conclusions from ‘Biogeomorphology of coastal seas’, the research for which Bas Borsje, a Deltares employee, was awarded his doctorate cum laude at the University of Twente on 26 October. Borsje is a biogeomorphologist an area of research dealing with the interaction between organisms, water and sand…

Read Full Article, Dredging Today

Biogeomorphology of coastal seas : how benthic organisms, hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics shape tidal sand waves, by Borsje, Bastiaan Wijnand

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