Overcoming Barriers

Dune Rythms. Captions and Photo source: ©© Light2Shine


A year ago, Hurricane Sandy swept away skepticism about the use of sand dunes. But those big, protective mounds are no excuse for complacency.

Before Hurricane Sandy tore up the Atlantic Coast one year ago next week, most people living in beach houses along the New Jersey shore didn’t give too much thought to the sandy humps that stood between their homes and the ocean…

Read Full Article, by David Gessner, Onearth

The Dune Wars, David Gessner Blogshot
Governor Chris Christie wants to line the state’s shores with dunes, as if Jersey were some sort of medieval castle. But if it’s any kind of castle, it should be pointed out, it’s a sand castle. And that, says Orrin Pilkey, is the chief problem with dunes…

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