From Ocean to Beach, Tons of Plastic Pollution

The Hawaii Wildlife Fund, which organizes beaches cleanups, estimates that they have removed about 169 tons of garbage in the last 11 years from a 10-mile stretch of Hawaii Island alone, and that about 15 tons to 20 tons of new trash comes ashore each year.
Lawlessness in UP: Sand Mafias Thrive Without Shroud Of Fear

The practice of illegal mining is common in the entire state of Uttar Pradesh, India, along the riverbeds as there is constant demand for sand. The builders in the region are always on the lookout for cheap sand which comes from a mafia that illegally mines the riverbed.
Arthur Pelts Maine, Moves Into Southeast Canada

Cyclone Arthur pelted parts of far eastern Maine and southeastern Canada with heavy rain and strong winds on Saturday, as the storm that had been a hurricane swept away from southern New England.