35,000 Walruses ‘Haul Out’ On Alaska Beach

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) photographed the huge gathering about five miles north of Point Lay, Alsaska. The mammals cannot swim indefinitely and are now coming ashore in record numbers as they struggle to find sea ice for resting in the Arctic. Photo source: NOAA


Arctic ice is dwindling, the waters of the North Pacific Ocean are the warmest on record and tens of thousands of walruses have taken notice, “hauling out” on an Alaskan beach in numbers never seen before…

“The walruses are telling us what the polar bears have told us and what many indigenous people have told us in the high Arctic,” Margaret Williams, managing director at the WWF told AP…

Read Full Article, CNN

Here’s Why Thousands Of Walruses Are Gathering On Alaska’s Shore, Time
“The walruses are telling us what the polar bears have told us and what many indigenous people have told us in the high Arctic,” Margaret Williams, managing director at the WWF told AP…

US reroutes flights around Alaska beach in attempt to avoid walrus stampede, Guardian UK
The Federal Aviation Authority has re-routed flights, and local communities have called on bush pilots to keep their distance in an effort to avoid setting off a panic that could see scores of walruses trampled to death, federal government scientists told reporters. The biggest immediate risk factor for the walruses now is a stampede – especially for baby walruses…

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