Ethiopian Dam Deal Ignores Science, Warn Experts

Although the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is Africa’s biggest dam project foreseen to have lasting impacts on its longest river, the River Nile , the GERD has been developed under a veil of secrecy. The dam will impact Ethiopians and downstream neighbors. Water scientists from Egypt — the last country to benefit from the Nile before it flows into the Mediterranean Sea —fear for the security of freshwater supply.
Climate Change Hits Sea Lions in the Santa Barbara Channel

According to the most recent count prepared by NOAA, 2,460 stranded sea lions have been scooped off California beaches during the first three and a half months of 2015. Santa Barbara beaches have been hit especially hard. Given that California’s two main sea lion rookeries are located just off Santa Barbara’s coast — San Miguel and San Nicolas islands — that’s not surprising.
Warm Water and Strange Weather May Be Connected

The weather in North America, particularly in winter, has been unusually extreme for much of the past two years. The causes are complex and have provoked lively discussion in the scientific community. One thing is clear: the eastern Pacific Ocean has been warmer than normal since the winter of 2013–2014.