Sudden and Rapid Ice Loss Discovered in Antarctica

Antarctica. Photo source: ©© Benjamin Dumas


The pace of climate change in Antarctica can now be measured in dog years.

Several massive glaciers in the southern Antarctic Peninsula suddenly started to crumble in 2009, a new study reports today (May 21) in the journal Science.

“Out of the blue, it’s become the second most important contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica,” said lead study author Bert Wouters, a remote sensing expert and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.

This makes the region the second largest contributor to sea level rise in Antarctica and the ice loss shows no sign of waning…

Read Full Article and View Video, LiveScience

Sudden onset of ice loss in Antarctica so large it affects Earth’s gravity field, Science Daily
A group of scientists, led by a team from the University of Bristol, UK has observed a sudden increase of ice loss in a previously stable region of Antarctica…

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