Black, Red, Green: Where to Find Hawaii’s Phenomenal Colored Sand Beaches

Papakōlea Beach, Hawaii. Photo source: ©© Ryan
Papakōlea Beach (also known as Green Sand Beach or Mahana Beach) is located near South Point, in the Kaʻū district of the island of Hawaiʻi. One of only four green sand beaches in the World, the others being Talofofo Beach, Guam, Punta Cormorant on Floreana Island in the Galapagos Islands, and Hornindalsvatnet, Norway. It gets its distinctive coloring from the mineral olivine. Captions: ©© Wikipedia


As if Hawaii’s golden sand beaches weren’t enough, there are stretches of coastline across the Hawaiian Islands that sparkle in a magnificent variety of other colors…

Read Full Article, Hawaii Magazine

Hawaii’s Beaches Feature Rainbow of Colors, The Boston Herald (02-08-2014)

Scientist Finds ‘Hawaiian Beach’ Sand On Mars, Phys Org (10-28-2013)

The Colors Of Beach Sand; By Gary Griggs

Beach Color, Coastal Care

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