A Peruvian Beach Named Dirtiest in the World

Lima, Peru. Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


When people think of beaches, they think fine sand and pristine shores and maybe a gorgeous sunset to watch, too. However, that won’t be the scene to catch in Peru’s Carpayo beach, located on the western tip of the capital. If you’re concerned about the seas (as you should be) it could drive you to tears.

Carpayo is on the receiving end of waste and dumps from Lima and it gets about 2.8 kilos of trash per square meter, based on the most recent clean-up campaign by Vida, an environmental organization…

Arturo Alfaro, the organization’s president, said that the clean-up drive that attracted about 1,000 volunteers were able to collect 60 tons of trash in three hours…

Read Full Article, LatinOne

Playa Carpayo en el Callao es considerada la más contaminada de Latinoamérica – FOTOS; La Republica (02-09-2016)

La playa peruana de Carpayo, la más sucia de Latinoamérica, EFE (02-09-2016)
La ONG Vida estima que durante el año se pueden llegar a recoger 3.000 toneladas basura, en una playa con una longitud de 500 metros. Una activista afirmó que su organización lleva recogiendo basura en playas peruanas desde hace 17 años y las cantidades de residuos que trae el mar han aumentado desde entonces, sobre todo por el “boom” de la construcción en el caso de Carpayo.

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