How much does groundwater contribute to sea level rise?

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


Groundwater extraction and other land water contribute about three times less to sea level rise than previous estimates, according to a new study. The study does not change the overall picture of future sea level rise, but provides a much more accurate understanding of the interactions between water on land, in the atmosphere, and the oceans…

Read Full Article, Science Daily

Study: Rising Seas Slowed by Increasing Water on Land, NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory (02-15-2016)
New measurements from a NASA satellite have allowed researchers to identify and quantify, for the first time, how climate-driven increases of liquid water storage on land have temporarily slowed the rate of sea level rise by about 20 percent…

Past and future contribution of global groundwater depletion to sea-level rise; AGU (05-09-2012)
As people pump groundwater for irrigation, drinking water, and industrial uses, the water doesn’t just seep back into the ground, it also evaporates into the atmosphere, or runs off into rivers and canals, eventually emptying into the world’s oceans…

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