‘Unusually’ Thin And Fractured Arctic Ice Hints At Yet Another Record Melt

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


According to new data, the Arctic sea ice melt season is running as much as one month earlier than average. Unless weather patterns change dramatically, that could mean a record year for summer melting of Arctic ice…

Read Full Article, Huffington Green

Alliance between the Arctic and Tropics (02-2011)
No wonder “you melt, we sink” is the nightmare that unites 43 small developing island nations of the world, and Arctic organizations in their fight against climate change through a coalition called called Many Strong Voices.
Like the Arctic, small island nations account for a tiny percentage of world energy consumption and produce low levels of climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions. Yet they’re already threatened by the same kind of unpredictable weather, storms and erosion due to the changing climate that has some Alaskan villages relocating inland…

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