Toxic algae bloom blankets Florida beaches, prompts state of emergency; Florida

Gov. Rick Scott, declared a state of emergency midweek in Martin, St. Lucie, Lee and Palm Beach counties because of the toxic algae bloom that originated in Lake Okeechobee and spread to the beaches.
France bans plastic bags, what about the rest of the EU?

Plastic bags will be banned in France from July 1. The ban on plastic bags will come into effect in two stages: on July 1, 2016 for “lightweight” shopping bags and January 1, 2017 for packaging bags for fruit and vegetables.
African Fisheries Plundered by Foreign Fleets

A study to determine how much fish had been taken out of the world’s oceans since 1950 in order to better avoid depleting the remaining populations of fish, found that the global catch was 40 percent higher than officially reported.