Struggling in the surf: Australian beaches pose dangers to newcomers

Despite a campaign launched in 2016 by the Australian Water Safety Council, the number of drowning fatalities has risen year-on-year since 2015.
This Could Be the ‘Beginning of the End’ for North Atlantic Right Whales

Researchers who have been observing migrating North Atlantic right whales, which are endangered, are troubled by what they found this season: no sign of any newborns.
South-east Asia closes island beaches to recover from climate change and tourism

More popular South-east Asian islands will be off limits to visitors this year as officials seek to protect eco-systems crumbling from warming seas and unchecked sprawl, despite the risk to tourism revenues and tens of thousands of jobs.
Hotting up: how climate change could swallow Louisiana’s Tabasco island

With thousands of square miles of land already lost along the coast, Avery Island, home of the famed hot sauce, faces being marooned.