The Case for Cool: Student Engagement to Save the Planet

Photo source: ©© Breno Peck


“Rising temperatures around the globe are a reality, and so too is the primary cause: Energy-related CO2 emissions caused by human-beings. Long term energy analysis by the highly respected International Energy Agency (IEA) shows the world traveling down a very, very unsustainable track.

To save the planet, we need to create a global movement of ordinary people demanding action now. The people, young and old, rich and poor, must seize power over global policy by taking control away from the fossil fuel companies who now wield it.

So, hope – real hope – for changing government policy to save the planet rests with the people, those whose children and grandchildren will inherit this tragic whirlwind, and, most importantly, the younger generation…”

Read Full Article,The Huffington Post

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