Oceans Suffering From Sea Sickness: Ocean Health Index Unveiled

Johnston Atoll, National Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific. On January 6, 2009, was established the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument under the authority of the Antiquities Act of 1906. The monument incorporates approximately 86,888 square miles within its boundaries, which extend 50 nautical miles from the mean low water lines of Howland, Baker, and Jarvis Islands; Johnston, Wake, and Palmyra Atolls; and Kingman Reef. Captions and Photo source: ©© Lindsey Hayes/USFWS


Seychelles and Germany have the healthiest seas of any inhabited territory, while Sierra Leone has the unhealthiest, according to a new index that says many oceans score poorly for biodiversity and as a human resource. Topping the list with a score of 86 out of 100 was the uninhabited South Pacific territory of Jarvis Island, owned by the United States, as well as a clutch of other unpopulated Pacific Ocean islands…

The researchers measured the oceans in 10 categories including food provision, their ability to support coastal livelihoods and economies, clean water, coastal protection, artisanal fishing, carbon storage, tourism and biodiversity.

“Humans undoubtedly have substantial negative impacts on the ocean, and index scores are negatively correlated with coastal human population…”

Read Full Article, AFP

Ocean health index unveiled, Journal Nature
Taking a page from the financial sector’s use of the Dow Jones industrial average to track economic ‘health’, marine researchers have created an index that assesses overall ocean vitality.

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