More Than 500 Dams Planned in Protected Areas Around the Globe, Study Finds

More than 500 dams are planned or already under construction within protected areas around the world, according to a new study published in the journal Conservation Letters. The study is the first of its kind to quantify the global extent of dams constructed in protected areas, which can include indigenous areas, nature reserves, and national parks.
China’s Three Gorges Dam is one of the largest ever created. Was it worth it?

The Three Gorges Dam was designed to tame China’s longest river. But this summer’s record rains reveal its limited ability to control floods.
Global warming and illegal land reclamation add to severe floods in China

China has perennial flooding in summer but a combination of climate reasons and human behavior over decades of land reclamation and dam-building on nearby rivers, have contributed to a longer-than-usual duration and incessant rainfall in some regions.
Luxury homes in Australia are falling into the ocean due to coastal erosion

In a coastal neighborhood in Australia’s New South Wales state, luxury beachfront homes are in danger of collapsing into the ocean.
The neglected, deteriorating and dangerous US dam infrastructure

More than 15,000 dams in the US would likely kill people if they failed, and at least 2,300 of them are in poor or unsatisfactory condition, according to new study.
Michigan dam failures force 10,000 to evacuate and could leave one city under 9 feet of water

Rapidly rising water overtook dams and forced the evacuation of about 10,000 people in central Michigan, where the governor said one downtown could be “under approximately 9 feet of water.” Experts are describing this as a 500-year event…
Put ‘super beachfront’ lots off limit

Super beachfront lots, many platted in the 1940s and ’50s, are properties that were reclaimed by the ocean but have since re-emerged, thanks to taxpayer-funded beach renourishment.
The Great Lakes are higher than they’ve ever been, and we’re not sure what will happen next

Lakeside living comes with a new premium: flooding and lots of uncertainty.
Building sunken breakwaters off SC coast to halt beach erosion has unclear future

The idea — building an underwater barrier to slow down waves, and thus slow the flow of escaping sand — has coastal experts worried about disrupting the coastal flow of sand, nesting sea turtles and worsening water quality on the beach.