Glacial Outwash Plain Shoreline, South-Central Iceland; By Albert C. Hine, Jon C. Boothroyd & Dag Nummedal

Iceland is an island hot-spot built up by abnormally high volcanic activity on the North Atlantic mid-ocean ridge probably resulting from a mantle plume that detached from the Earth’s outer core/mantle boundary millions of years ago.
An Ancient Beach With Modern Subway Cars- 16 Fathoms Down To Take This Train; By Art Trembanis, Nicole Raineault & Carter DuVal

It used to require a ticket to ride the Redbird line of subway cars but now you’ll need a set of SCUBA gear to ride these trains. Over 900 New York City subway cars sit on the seafloor, just 16.5 nautical miles (19 mi) from the Delaware shore…
Gloucester Point Beach, Virginia; By Carl Hobbs

Gloucester Point Beach, Virginia, is a small, community beach on the north shore of the York River estuary a few kilometers upstream from Chesapeake Bay.
Rømø Island, Denmark; By Andrew Cooper

The beach at Rømø is 10 kilometres long and up to 2km wide. A particularly impressive feature of the beach is the annual Kite Festival(Dragefestival) on the first weekend of September. During the festival hundreds of brightly coloured kites of all shapes and sizes are flown on the beach, taking advantage of the persistent westerly winds.
Cape Espenberg, Alaska; By Owen K. Mason

Cape Espenberg lies on the Arctic Circle at the terminus of a 30 km long mainland attached beach ridge plain at the northern limit of Seward Peninsula, in western Alaska.
Caladesi Island, Florida; By Tonya D. Clayton

Caladesi Island is a small, sandy island perched just off Florida’s sunny west coast. As one of the area’s few undeveloped barrier islands, Caladesi sports a beautiful beach and a rare virgin stand of South Florida slash pine. Sand dunes, a maritime oak forest, and tangled mangrove swamps round out the scenery.
Ancient La Caleta Beach and Cove; By Cecelia Dailey

From the south, the route to the ancient city of Cadiz moves through rolling hills lined with windmills, then miles of estuary and flooded fields along the Andalusian coast of Spain. Abandoned and living mouths of alluvial rivers deposit sediment to the ocean and along the shore here.
Faroe Islands; By Adam Griffith

The Faroe Islands are a group of small volcanic islands that lie between Iceland and Norway in the northern Atlantic. Still unknown to many people, the Faroe Islands have become more familiar to some recently due to a variety of media mentions.
Quendale Beach, Shetland Islands, UK; By Joe Kelley

Quendale Beach is on the southern side Mainland, the largest of island in the Shetlands. The Shetland Islands, of course, are a part of Scotland, though they are usually shown on an inset map of the UK because they are farther north than parts of Norway. This is a treeless landscape with strong winds and large waves during storms. The Quendale Beach is a beautiful and tranquil, however, with visitors who prefer solitude to glitz …