Broader Psychological Impact of 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

The 2010 BP Oil Spill had significant psychological impact on people living in coastal communities, even in those areas that did not have direct oil exposure, according to researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine who worked in collaboration with the University of Florida, Gainesville.

Raised Awareness on Illegal Sand Mining, St Kitts

Illegal sand mining across St. Kitts, has become more pronounced with the boom in the construction industry. As a result, several problems have arisen and it became necessary, as a means of deterrence, to educate the general public on the negative effects of the unlawful activity.

Federal report suggests Gulf oil spill beach cleanup is about over

Federal officials released a report Friday that suggests cleanup operations have removed as much oil as is practical from most shorelines in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Louisiana. “Environmental impacts of remnant oil found on or near beaches after cleanup operations are relatively minor,” reads the report. At least one researcher questioned the Coast Guard’s report.

Whole coastline of Namibia is designated a national park

Namibia has become what is thought to be the first country to designate its entire coastline a national park. Namibia designates its entire 976-mile coastline a national park, consolidating several existing preserves into the 26.6 million-acre Namib-Skeleton Coast National Park.

North Australia set to face more weather extremes, corals show

Like pages in a book, near shore corals can help scientists go back in time by revealing years that were unusually wet or dry, and are providing another piece of evidence that maybe suggests that we are seeing some consequences already of global warming.