Nations must triple efforts to reach 2°C target, concludes annual review of global emissions

Global emissions are on the rise as national commitments to combat climate change come up short. But surging momentum from the private sector and untapped potential from innovation and green-financing offer pathways to bridge the emissions gap. Those findings along with a sweeping review of climate action and the latest measurements of global emissions were presented by authors of the 2018 Emissions Gap Report.

Portugal to demolish buildings threatened by coastal erosion

The Portuguese Environment Agency’s new coastal plan involves demolishing dozens of buildings and houses along a 122 kilometre strip of coastline, deemed at severe risk from coastal erosion aggravated by climate change. In the next ten years Portugal plans to spend almost 470 million euros to try to reduce the risks to it population from coastal erosion.

How climate change is impacting the Bay of Bengal region

While over 80% of the World’s top cities developed along coastlines and waterways, over the next few years countries like China and India will be the worst affected by climate change extremities. Switching to hybrid and solar power is the only way forward…

How extreme weather is shrinking the planet

With wildfires, heat waves, and rising sea levels, large tracts of the earth are at risk of becoming uninhabitable. But the fossil-fuel industry continues its assault on the facts.

Crab fishermen sue 30 oil firms over climate change

On Wednesday, associations representing California crab fishermen filed suit against 30 fossil fuel companies seeking to make the companies pay for the harm global warming has caused to California’s fisheries. It is the first legal action by a private industry group seeking to hold the fossil fuel companies responsible for major losses attributed to global warming.