Côte d’Ivoire Chokes on its Plastic Shopping Bags

Each year, Côte d’Ivoire produces 200,000 tonnes of plastic bags of which 40,000 go directly into the trash. Less than 20 percent of this plastic is recycled. In this West African nation, the pressure is growing to find alternatives to plastic shopping bags.

Historic Step Toward Superfund Designation Could Save Ocean Wildlife From Plastic Pollution in Hawaii

Chris Jordan Photography

The EPA released an assessment September 9th,2014, documenting the hazard that plastic pollution poses to wildlife on Tern Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands — a key finding that will advance Tern Island as a potential Superfund site, an area of toxic hazard singled out for federal cleanup. This is the first time the agency has ever considered using the Superfund program to address an area contaminated by plastic.

Giant Garbage Patches Help Redefine Ocean Boundaries

Researchers have created a new model that could help determine what area of the world is most responsible for each ocean garbage patch of floating debris; a difficult task for a system as complex and massive as the ocean.