Biologist urges action on illegal sand mining, Antigua
A local marine biologist is urging the authorities to take a firmer stance on the crime of sand mining at beaches across the Antigua & Barbuda.
Uganda: How Sand Mining Is Destroying Lake Victoria Catchment
The expansive Lwera wetland is a major water catchment area that connects several rivers and wetlands in many districts and drains directly into Lake Victoria. For years on, the locals have lived in peace with the surroundings. However, over the past couple of months, sharp noises from sand dredgers are heard. Sand mining companies are breaching rules and are destroying the wetland.
Activist’s action against illegal sand mining near Kihim beach, India
Activist Sumaira Abdulali, who has been threatened and attacked several times for raising the issue of sand mining, continues to raise awareness on the subject, to the local authorities.
Crimeans told to stop stealing sand from beaches
Officials in Crimea are warning people to stop stealing sand from tourist beaches, or else face a prison sentence. The peninsula’s beaches are being targeted by people who remove the sand for use as free building material, and at more remote beaches it’s being taken away by the lorry-load.
Western Sahara: Illegal beach sand mining in Laâyoune
Allegations of illegal beach sand mining activities, from Spanish mining company, in Laayoune, Western Sahara
Borneo – Malaysia: Machinery seized over illegal sand mining
According to the Lands and Surveys Department record, the department has made numerous raids on illegal sand mining activities since 2015
Illegal Chinese Sand Mining Causing Massive Land Reduction in Kinmen
From 2007 to 2012, the coastline in parts of Taiwan-governed Kinmen -located off the coast of southeastern China- has reduced more than 200 meters and the total land loss currently adds up to 250,000 square meters. Many experts and Kinmen locals, believe this ongoing phenomenon can be attributed to illegal Chinese sand miners operating along the coast.
“The Shore Break,” A Movie From Riley Grunenwald
A gorgeous stretch of the Wild Coast is the object of a standoff between corrupt pro-mining forces interested in mining the local beach sand for titanium, and a South African coastal community. The drama is structured around two diametrically opposed protagonists. A film review by Variety.
The Archipelago with Ubiquitous Land Reclamation Projects
Whilst reclamation in Jakarta and Bali are more well-known due to the frequent reporting and public controversies, similar projects are also either being planned or underway in other regions across Indonesia.