Sandy: A Warning Rising Seas Threaten Nuclear Plants

No nuclear power plant in Sandy’s path was in imminent danger of a meltdown, but the force and size of the storm surge served as a warning that rising seas and higher storm surges, could eventually have a devastating effect on the seven low-lying nuclear power generating sites on the Northeast Coast in future hurricanes…

After Hurricane Sandy, One Man Tries To Stop The Reconstruction

Geologist Orrin Pilkey predicted exactly what a storm like Sandy would do to the mid-Atlantic coast and New York City. On a tour of destruction after the deluge, he and David Gessner ponder a troubling question: Why are people rebuilding, as if all this isn’t going to happen again?

The Most Striking Visualizations To Date of Hurricane Sandy, revealed

Scientists have recently developed striking visualizations of Hurricane Sandy, which devastated parts of the U.S. East Coast last year. The visualizations, created using state-of-the-art computer models at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), provide some of the most detailed looks at any hurricane to date.

Hurricane Sandy Raised Risk Awareness in Eastern Cuba

Nine months after Hurricane Sandy, the worst disaster to hit this city in eastern Cuban in decades, local residents say they are now better prepared for catastrophes. According to the authorities, every new building must take into account the risk of hurricanes and earthquakes.