Shores Are Final Frontier for Archaeology Project

Photograph: © SAF – Coastal Care


Archaeologists want to enlist the help of the public as they attempt to tackle what they describe as the “final frontier”: England’s coastline…

Read Full Article, BBC News

Stop Confusing Coasts with Shores; By John R. Gillis, Professor Emeritus of History, Rutgers University (11-09-2014)

The Human Shore: Seacoasts In History; A book by John R. Gillis

This Sinking Isle: The Homeowners Battling Coastal Erosion, Guardian UK (04-17-2015)
As sea levels rise, thousands of people on the coast of Britain have been forced to move inland…

Sinking England, A National Geographic Video (11-25-2011)
All may seem calm on the beautiful stretches of british coastline, but there is a battle being fought on the beaches of Britain. It is a fight for survival against the mighty forces of the North Sea. Erosion of this coastline have been going on for thousands of years, but things have gotten much worst. The country is gradually tilting into the ocean.

The Human Shore: Seacoasts In History; A book by John R. Gillis
In his new book, The Human Shore: Seacoasts in History, published by University of Chicago Press, November 2012, historian John R. Gillis explores the deep history of seacoasts, the original home of humankind.

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