Parts of United States are heating faster than globe as a whole

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


A new study shows the Northeast USA will reach the dangerous 2°C warming threshold faster than most of the rest of the planet…

Read Full Article, Guardian UK (01-17-2017)

Study Sheds New Insights Into Global Warming Trends, NASA (11-22-2016)
A new multi-institutional study of the temporary slowdown in the global average surface temperature warming trend observed between 1998 and 2013 concludes the phenomenon represented a redistribution of energy within the Earth system, with Earth’s ocean absorbing the extra heat. The phenomenon was referred to by some as the “global warming hiatus.”

Flooding of coast caused by global warming, has already begun; The New York Times (09-03-2016)

Changing opinions on climate change, from a CNN meteorologist, CNN (08-24-2016)
Although climate change is thought of as simply a political football, it has been a heated topic among meteorologists for years…

Human impact has pushed Earth into the Anthropocene, scientists say; Guardian UK (01-08-2016)
There is now compelling evidence to show that humanity’s impact on the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and wildlife has pushed the world into a new geological epoch, an “Anthropocene” – ending the current Holocene which began around 12,000 years ago…

Anthropocene Period Would Recognize Humanity’s Impact on Earth, Science Daily (07-11-2013)
The Anthropocene is the name of a proposed new geological time period that may soon enter the official Geologic Time Scale. The Anthropocene is defined by the human influence on Earth, where we have become a geological force shaping the global landscape and evolution of our planet…

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